House of the Damned (видео) (1996)

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House of the Damned (видео) (1996)
  • Продолжительность: 72 мин. / 01:12
  • Оценка онлайн: 75.6
  • Качество: BD
  • Численность просмотров фильма: 835
  • Популярность онлайн фильма: 3.78
  • Перевод: DVO
  • Зарубежное название: House of the Damned (видео)
  • Отечественное название фильма: House of the Damned (видео) (1996)
  • Выпущено: США
  • Режиссер: Шон Уэверз
  • Год: 1996
  • Актёры: Блу, Моника Уильямс, Клинтон Фильберт, Валери Александр, Бадди Лав, Илья, Уолтер омни, Кендра Уэр, Джонни Блэк
Сюжет кино: Given that Roger Corman attached his name to this production, I had high hopes for this film. Corman directed many memorable low budget horror flicks in the 1960's. I particularly enjoyed his adaptations of Poe's stories such as `The House Of Usher,' and `The Pit And Pendulum' and `The Raven' which starred the late great Vincent Price. These films had solid acting, atmosphere, suspense, strong characterization, intriguing plot development and delivered some chilling moments. Sadly, `House Of The Damned,' for the most part, sacrifices these qualities in lieu of cheesy low budget special effects, gratuitous nudity and mindless gore topped with cliche fast edits and camera angles.
`House Of The Damned' starts off interestingly with some beautiful location shots in Ireland, but it's straight downhill from here. Unfortunately, instead of spending some time building atmosphere, creating characters we might care about, or building suspense - the director opts to begin running up the body count. After a brief introduction to the lead characters, a young couple and their daughter, the audience spends the balance of the film being bounced from one `spooky' event to another which, in this film, substitutes for coherent plot development. The lead characters are so ill conceived and are so badly acted - the audience doesn't care what happens to them. To make matters worse, the `spooky' events are either utterly cliché or unconvincing due to low tech - low budget special effects. The soundtrack has been lifted from `The Omen.' The plot, what little there is, borrows heavily from `Poltergeist' and `The Legend Of Hell House,' but lacks any of the qualities which made these films convincing.
If you interested in seeing well done haunted house flicks, I recommend you check out classics like `The Haunting (1963),' `The Innocents (1961) or look into Corman's early American International films and pass on `House Of The Damned' unless you're masochistic or mindless.
3 ½ out of 10.
Rob Rheubottom
Wpg, MB. Canada

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House of the Damned (видео) (1996) 1996 смотреть онлайн - Given that Roger Corman attached his name to this production, I had high hopes for this film. Corman directed many memorable low budget horror flicks in the 1960's. I particularly
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