Journey for Margaret (1942)

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Journey for Margaret (1942)
  • Продолжительность: 81 мин. / 01:21
  • Оценка онлайн: 94.8
  • Качество: DVD
  • Численность просмотров фильма: 282
  • Популярность онлайн фильма: 4.74
  • Перевод: MVO
  • Зарубежное название: Journey for Margaret
  • Отечественное название фильма: Journey for Margaret (1942)
  • Выпущено: США
  • Режиссер: Херберт Кляйн, В.С. Ван Дайк
  • Год: 1942
  • Актёры: Дорис Ллойд, Ларейн Дэй, Хэзер Тэтчер, Фэй Бейнтер, Хэллиуэлл Хоббс, оберт Янг, Найджел Брюс, Уильям Сэверн, Элизабет исдон, Маргарет О’Брайэн
Сюжет кино: How refreshing it is to come across a World War Two film minus the usual cliche scenes and ideas that infiltrated so many movies during the war years. Robert Young (as reporter John Davis) gives a consistent and profound portrayal surrounding a real concern for the human condition in terms of the effects of war on children. Margaret O'Brien (as orphan Margaret White)is haunting as the child with the magnesium bomb. William Severn's performance (as playmate Peter Humphreys) is addictive. But then there is so much good acting in this film by so many of the cast, especially that of Fay Bainter (as Trudy Strauss). The film makes it clear that war is the common enemy of all children, for, as Trudy says, "surely children must be allowed to cry for all they have ;

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Journey for Margaret (1942) 1942 смотреть онлайн - How refreshing it is to come across a World War Two film minus the usual cliche scenes and ideas that infiltrated so many movies during the war years. Robert Young (as reporter Joh
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