L.A.: A Queer History (2016)
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- Продолжительность: 120 мин. / 02:00
- Оценка онлайн: 76.8
- Качество: BD
- Численность просмотров фильма: 218
- Популярность онлайн фильма: 3.84
- Перевод: Дублирование
- Зарубежное название: L.A.: A Queer History
- Отечественное название фильма: L.A.: A Queer History (2016)
- Выпущено: США
- Режиссер: Грегорио Девила
- Год: 2016
- Актёры: Розарио Доусон, Дреа де Маттео, Трейси Томс, Марк Бун Джуниор, Дэниел Фрэнзиси, Майкл Орнштейн, Катрин Блэк, Глория Оллред, Эстер Каната, Майкл Кернс
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Once deemed, "The most dangerous city west of the Santa Fe", Los Angles was the original 'Wild West'. The incessant hankering of Americans to migrate west for profit and prosperity also brought with it, people who had a strong desire to find a place where they had the freedom to be themselves: in short, people in search of a better life. A true American virtue if ever one was, and Gays & Lesbians were no exception. Queer culture and it's history,is riddled with discrimination, suppression and despair; but also triumph and human spirit. And out of all of it emerged a unique identity and culture. But where did this culture come from? When and where did it begin to take shape? How has it evolved into what we see today? LAQH seeks to answer these questions by shedding light on a part of American history and historical figures who are largely unacknowledged, and in turn create a newfound dialogue about not only LGBTQ history, but how our Gay and Lesbian brothers and sisters effected